Supported Marine Surveys is a team of specialists, experts in the field of support and logistics, and a highly regarded company based in  Southeast Asia. We have been in operation since 2006. As a leading company in marine seismic support, we are often viewed as the front line of oil and gas exploration. Therefore, we are always aware of our social responsibilities, and at the safe completion of every project we support, we ensure to leave nothing behind in our wake.

The safety and well-being of all participating crew members, as well as the communities and environment in which we operate, takes priority on every project. We are committed to initiating and maintaining a very high Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) culture within all levels of chase vessels management and during all phases of operations. Our objectives are as follows:

Identification of HSE risks at all levels and during all stages of operations, both on and offshore. Implementation of practical measures to ensure a healthy and safe working environment.

We will always endeavour to the best of our abilities to comply with relevant Health, Safety and Environment regulations, both national and international, that apply to our operations.

Achieve continuous improvement in all aspects of HSE through training and support for all vessel crews. Ensure awareness of individual duties and responsibilities, as well as emergency response skills and capabilities.

Supported Marine Surveys chase vessel coordinators are responsible and accountable in all areas of HSE. They will perform and document regular audits to ensure compliance with HSE industry guidelines and standards.

Our ongoing commitment to health, safety, and environment includes participation in relevant areas of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Supported Marine Surveys endeavors to initiate and maintain good working relationships with affected communities near the project areas. We continually seek viable ways to reduce or eliminate the environmental impact of our operations.

It is our commitment to offer support, education, and training to all participating vessel crews – as well as residents in the surrounding areas – in a sustainable manner that will produce tangible social benefits.